Monday, March 4, 2013

Code Kata: Eating habits and Markov chains

The Wikipedia entry:
contains nice and clear explanation of the idea of Markov chains. Based on the paragraph about eating habits, we can form an interesting coding exercise:
  • A person eats lunch every day
  • We form a set of rules similar to the one presented in Wikipedia - one part of the exercise is how to represent these rules in a program. What would be the convenient way to represent this internally and how would you translate a possible textual representation (such as one entered from standard input) into the internal format? Would the two format be quite similar or quite different from each other?
  • We run a simulation for a number of days - say, 365 days - and we get statistical distribution of the number of each type of meals that would be eaten
Does it seem like a long program to write? My initial solution in Python was 23 lines long and then refined solution took just 14 lines.

See also